Emergency Eye Care in North York


Find Help Immediately

If you are experiencing an eye related emergency please visit or call us at 416-491-4844.

Our Office Hours:
Monday 9AM – 5PM
Tuesday 10AM – 7PM
Wednesday 10AM- 7PM
Thursday 9AM – 7PM
Friday 10AM – 6PM
Saturday 10AM – 6PM
Sunday Closed

Emergency Types

Seek help immediately if you:

  • Are starting to experience vision loss
  • Have something lodged in your eye
  • Suddenly see flashes or floaters
  • Have suffered trauma to the eye

Foriegn Body Imbedded in Your Eye

Your eye is very fragile, and there are plenty of different objects that can get lodged on the surface of your eye and cause damage. Some of the more serious bodies that can get imbedded in your eye include glass or metal shards, but damage can also be caused by dirt, dust, or even eyelashes.

If you have something stuck in your eye, do not rub it. Rubbing your eye can cause deeper injury or corneal abrasion. Instead, contact our team for assistance.

Depending on the severity of your injury, your optometrist might be able to remove the body without damaging your eye. If the damage is more serious, you may be recommended to visit an emergency room for treatment.

First Aid Tips

  • If you have experienced a chemical burn, wash your eyes out for 15 to 20 minutes with cool, clean water and seek medical help immediately.
  • For minor trauma, place a cold compress over your eye and contact an optometrist or doctor for further assistance. For major blows, seek help immediately.
  • Do not wash or touch your eye if you have experienced any tears, scratches, or punctures to your eyelid. Cover the area with an eye shield and seek medical help immediately.

Visit Us in North York

At complete family eyecare – your preferred optometrist in North York, we offer our optometry services in Chinese, Dari, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Farsi, Punjabi, Tagalog, and Urdu.



Contact Information

Visit Us in North York

At complete family eyecare – your preferred optometrist in North York, we offer our optometry services in Chinese, Dari, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Farsi, Punjabi, Tagalog, and Urdu.

Our Address

206-2175 Sheppard Ave East
North York, ON M2J 1W8

Contact Information

Phone: 416-491-4844

Hours of Operations

9 AM5 PM
10 AM7 PM
10 AM7 PM
9 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
10 AM3 PM

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