Light Theraphy - Complete Family EyeCare Optometrist North York

Light Therapy in North York


Enhance Your Vision for School, Work, & Play

Learning conditions, visual stress, and trauma can impact a person’s vision by limiting their perceptual visual field. When this happens, signs can include losing place while reading, skipping lines, or reduced comprehension. It can also cause difficulty with balance, coordination, and performance during sports.

Fortunately, research has determined that phototherapy, or light therapy, can improve peripheral vision, visual skills, and memory. Complete Family Eyecare proudly offers light therapy at our practice. Get in touch to discuss whether light therapy is suitable for you or your child.


What Is Light Therapy?

Light therapy, also known as syntonic phototherapy, is an advancement in the branch of clinical science. It allows us to use certain light frequencies and colours to target and enhance visual attention. While most of our light therapy patients are children, this treatment can assist anyone, of any age, who deals with certain vision conditions.

Light Theraphy 2 - Complete Family EyeCare Optometrist North York

How We Can Help With Vision Conditions

This treatment is effective and safe for tackling vision conditions such as chronic headaches, eyestrain, amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (crossed eye), and attention deficit. We also use light therapy to alleviate the visual consequences of stress and trauma, including traumatic brain injury (TBI). If you or your child exhibits any of the following symptoms, please reach out to discuss light therapy:

  • Blurred or fluctuating vision
  • Eye turning or lazy eye
  • Eye strain or fatigue
  • Reduced peripheral vision
  • Light sensitivity
  • Poor concentration
  • Difficulty reading
  • Reduced academic performance
  • Poor coordination or balance
  • Reduced sports performance
  • Driving or depth perception issues
  • Stress trauma

Healing Your Vision at Complete Family Eyecare

Light therapy is often used as a treatment on its own but works well to complement other healing and rehabilitation treatments. If you suspect that you or your child could benefit from light therapy, please get in touch with us to discuss your options. We’re here to help enhance and improve your vision!


Visit Us in North York

At complete family eyecare – your preferred optometrist in North York, we offer our optometry services in Chinese, Dari, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Farsi, Punjabi, Tagalog, and Urdu.



Contact Information

Visit Us in North York

At complete family eyecare – your preferred optometrist in North York, we offer our optometry services in Chinese, Dari, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Farsi, Punjabi, Tagalog, and Urdu.

Our Address

206-2175 Sheppard Ave East
North York, ON M2J 1W8

Contact Information

Phone: 416-491-4844

Hours of Operations

9 AM5 PM
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